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The fastest way to answer your questions is our FAQ.

What do the winners of a Prize or Selection get?

All the works that are Awarded or Selected will obtain:


  • trophy of the edition. (verify in the bases of each prize)
  • Right to obtain a duplicate of the Trophy (if applicable) for the client or collaborators.
  • Diploma certified by Verdictas International,
  • Right to obtain original duplicates of the certified Diploma , for the client and collaborators.
  • Publication of the winning work with the distinction of the prize obtained in the Veredictas Internacional gallery with a link to the author's contact.
  • Publication of the winning work on the social networks of Veredictas Internacional with a link to the author's contact.
  • Exclusive press release about the author's honors that will be sent to the media, people or companies that the author indicates in his registration.
  • Inclusion of the winning work in the organization's official press release .
  • Assignment of the right to use the award brand indicating the year and recognition obtained.


  • Diploma certified by Verdictas International,
  • Right to obtain original duplicates of the certified Diploma , for the client and collaborators.
  • Publication of the winning work with the distinction of the prize obtained in the Veredictas Internacional gallery with a link to the author's contact.
  • Publication of the winning work on the social networks of Veredictas Internacional with a link to the author's contact.
  • Exclusive press release about the author's honors that will be sent to the media, people or companies that the author indicates in his registration.
  • Assignment of the right to use the award brand indicating the year and recognition obtained.

How to take part?

To participate in the awards certified by Veredictas Internacional you must register as a user and thus you can register your best works. Each work must be registered in the corresponding category/s. To facilitate the registration of works and the selection process, only works submitted through registration on the online platform of each award are accepted.


I can't log in with my username...

Check that the password you access with is correct. If you have forgotten you can change it here:


What payment methods can I use?

The means of payment available are online payment with your credit or debit card and PayPal.

I cannot complete the payment of my registration fees.

Check that your card is authorized to make international payments or make the payment through PayPal.

Do members or associates of the official organizations of each award have any benefits or discounts?

Yes. Members or associates of the official organizations of a prize are entitled to different discounts and promotions depending on the prize. Ask about your discounts with the organization you are associated with.

Can I take advantage of the discounts that apply until a date if I am still not sure what works I will present?

Yes, when you make the decision to participate you can register without defining which works you are going to register. Then you will have time until the closing of the call to upload or modify the images and data of the works. You must bear in mind that the organization will NOT claim the images, you must be the one to upload them within the deadline.

What is the cost of the registration fee?

Consult the bases of the prize to which you wish to register your works to know the price of the registration rights. The price may vary depending on the phase of the registrations in which the prize is located, since there are promotions, the sooner you register your works, the cheaper it is to register them.

How is the material and information presented?

Each entry must contain at least one single image (it can be a collage that includes different images) in color of the submitted work, in JPG format between 1024 x 768 pixels and 4096 x 3072 pixels (width x height), horizontal proportion 4: 3 at 72 dpi, RGB color space. If at the time of registration you do not have the graphic material prepared, you can upload provisional images, which can later be replaced by the final ones. Additionally, it is recommended to attach a brief explanation of up to 800 characters to explain to the jury the relevant aspects of your work. In addition, you can attach a single PDF with more information and explanations (objectives of the challenge, sketches and plans, link to video, etc.).

What happens if my work does not fit into any of the categories?

Within the categories, there is a Miscellaneous category, which receives all the works that may not fit the rest of the categories.

Can the same work be presented in more than one category?

Yes, the same work can be registered in more than one category, although each registration will be independent. In this case, it must be registered and a registration fee must be paid for each category to which it is presented.

How many works can I register?

There is no limit. You can register as many works as you deem appropriate.

Is it necessary to present physical pieces and materials of the work?

Not at most awards. Only in some cases, consult the rules of the award you want to register before registering your works to find out all the details.

Can I register works already presented or winners in other awards or creativity contests?

Of course.

Can I add works out of competition to my gallery?

Yeah. And if you are not a user yet, you just have to create your user profile at and you will be able to manage your own gallery of works at at no cost to you.

I am a student, can I register my works?

Yes, you can, but remember that Veredictas Internacional does NOT hold work contests, that is, you should NOT do a work just to participate, register your already completed works.

How can I know if the registration of my works has been completed?

When completing and paying a registration you will receive an e-mail with your data, those of the registered works and a link to download your invoice. You can also enter your personal area and click on "my procedures" to see all your registrations made and if there is any pending image, information or text.

I have not received the invoice...

When completing and paying a registration you will receive an e-mail with your data, those of the registered works and a link to download your invoice.

I get an error when uploading the work...

Check that the proportion of the image of your work is horizontal, 4 width x 3 height (minimum 1024 x 768px, maximum 4096 x 3072px)

Can I change the image or description once the registration is done?

If you have already registered your works for an award, the system will not allow you to change them again. If you need changes in the works, contact us at

How is the jury made up?

No member of the organization, nor members of a protocol or commercial nature, is part of any Jury of the awards certified by Veredictas Internacional. All members of a Jury are appointed exclusively by the most prestigious organizations and/or specialized media in the profession.

When will the verdict be announced?

Within 24 hours after the verdict is issued by the jury, all participants receive an email with the verdict in which they can check if their work has been recognized with a Selection or an Award. In addition, Veredictas Internacional publishes the list of winners on and on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

Check the dates and the calendar of the prize to which you want to register your work to see details of this information.

Is there a delivery ceremony? And where?

Not all prizes hold a delivery ceremony. Check the bases of the prize for which you want to register your works. If it is an award with a delivery ceremony, when the verdict is published you will receive an email with the details of the delivery ceremony so that you can attend with your team, friends and family.

Will I receive my award if I don't attend the ceremony?

The Winners and Selected who do not attend the delivery ceremony receive their award by mail to the address indicated in their user registration. In the awards that do not celebrate a ceremony, the winners also receive it by mail.

Can the winners or selectees request duplicates of their trophy and/or certified diploma?

Yes, the authors of the winning works of a Prize or a Selection can acquire copies of their diplomas and/or awards. Request your copy by accessing Verdictas Internacional with your account.

When does the next call open?Each award has its own calendar. Check the dates in the bases of the prizes in which you want to register your works. You can also fill out the contact form to receive our notices and newsletters: Contact formThe fastest way to answer your questions is our FAQ.

What do the winners of a Prize or Selection get?

All the works that are Awarded or Selected will obtain:


  • trophy of the edition. (verify in the bases of each prize)
  • Right to obtain a duplicate of the Trophy (if applicable) for the client or collaborators.
  • Diploma certified by Verdictas International,
  • Right to obtain original duplicates of the certified Diploma , for the client and collaborators.
  • Publication of the winning work with the distinction of the prize obtained in the Veredictas Internacional gallery with a link to the author's contact.
  • Publication of the winning work on the social networks of Veredictas Internacional with a link to the author's contact.
  • Exclusive press release about the author's honors that will be sent to the media, people or companies that the author indicates in his registration.
  • Inclusion of the winning work in the organization's official press release .
  • Assignment of the right to use the award brand indicating the year and recognition obtained.


  • Diploma certified by Verdictas International,
  • Right to obtain original duplicates of the certified Diploma , for the client and collaborators.
  • Publication of the winning work with the distinction of the prize obtained in the Veredictas Internacional gallery with a link to the author's contact.
  • Publication of the winning work on the social networks of Veredictas Internacional with a link to the author's contact.
  • Exclusive press release about the author's honors that will be sent to the media, people or companies that the author indicates in his registration.
  • Assignment of the right to use the award brand indicating the year and recognition obtained.

How to take part?

To participate in the awards certified by Veredictas Internacional you must register as a user and thus you can register your best works. Each work must be registered in the corresponding category/s. To facilitate the registration of works and the selection process, only works submitted through registration on the online platform of each award are accepted.


I can't log in with my username...

Check that the password you access with is correct. If you have forgotten you can change it here:


What payment methods can I use?

The means of payment available are online payment with your credit or debit card and PayPal.

I cannot complete the payment of my registration fees.

Check that your card is authorized to make international payments or make the payment through PayPal.

Do members or associates of the official organizations of each award have any benefits or discounts?

Yes. Members or associates of the official organizations of a prize are entitled to different discounts and promotions depending on the prize. Ask about your discounts with the organization you are associated with.

Can I take advantage of the discounts that apply until a date if I am still not sure what works I will present?

Yes, when you make the decision to participate you can register without defining which works you are going to register. Then you will have time until the closing of the call to upload or modify the images and data of the works. You must bear in mind that the organization will NOT claim the images, you must be the one to upload them within the deadline.

What is the cost of the registration fee?

Consult the bases of the prize to which you wish to register your works to know the price of the registration rights. The price may vary depending on the phase of the registrations in which the prize is located, since there are promotions, the sooner you register your works, the cheaper it is to register them.

How is the material and information presented?

Each entry must contain at least one single image (it can be a collage that includes different images) in color of the submitted work, in JPG format between 1024 x 768 pixels and 4096 x 3072 pixels (width x height), horizontal proportion 4: 3 at 72 dpi, RGB color space. If at the time of registration you do not have the graphic material prepared, you can upload provisional images, which can later be replaced by the final ones. Additionally, it is recommended to attach a brief explanation of up to 800 characters to explain to the jury the relevant aspects of your work. In addition, you can attach a single PDF with more information and explanations (objectives of the challenge, sketches and plans, link to video, etc.).

What happens if my work does not fit into any of the categories?

Within the categories, there is a Miscellaneous category, which receives all the works that may not fit the rest of the categories.

Can the same work be presented in more than one category?

Yes, the same work can be registered in more than one category, although each registration will be independent. In this case, it must be registered and a registration fee must be paid for each category to which it is presented.

How many works can I register?

There is no limit. You can register as many works as you deem appropriate.

Is it necessary to present physical pieces and materials of the work?

Not at most awards. Only in some cases, consult the rules of the award you want to register before registering your works to find out all the details.

Can I register works already presented or winners in other awards or creativity contests?

Of course.

Can I add works out of competition to my gallery?

Yeah. And if you are not a user yet, you just have to create your user profile at and you will be able to manage your own gallery of works at at no cost to you.

I am a student, can I register my works?

Yes, you can, but remember that Veredictas Internacional does NOT hold work contests, that is, you should NOT do a work just to participate, register your already completed works.

How can I know if the registration of my works has been completed?

When completing and paying a registration you will receive an e-mail with your data, those of the registered works and a link to download your invoice. You can also enter your personal area and click on "my procedures" to see all your registrations made and if there is any pending image, information or text.

I have not received the invoice...

When completing and paying a registration you will receive an e-mail with your data, those of the registered works and a link to download your invoice.

I get an error when uploading the work...

Check that the proportion of the image of your work is horizontal, 4 width x 3 height (minimum 1024 x 768px, maximum 4096 x 3072px)

Can I change the image or description once the registration is done?

If you have already registered your works for an award, the system will not allow you to change them again. If you need changes in the works, contact us at

How is the jury made up?

No member of the organization, nor members of a protocol or commercial nature, is part of any Jury of the awards certified by Veredictas Internacional. All members of a Jury are appointed exclusively by the most prestigious organizations and/or specialized media in the profession.

When will the verdict be announced?

Within 24 hours after the verdict is issued by the jury, all participants receive an email with the verdict in which they can check if their work has been recognized with a Selection or an Award. In addition, Veredictas Internacional publishes the list of winners on and on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

Check the dates and the calendar of the prize to which you want to register your work to see details of this information.

Is there a delivery ceremony? And where?

Not all prizes hold a delivery ceremony. Check the bases of the prize for which you want to register your works. If it is an award with a delivery ceremony, when the verdict is published you will receive an email with the details of the delivery ceremony so that you can attend with your team, friends and family.

Will I receive my award if I don't attend the ceremony?

The Winners and Selected who do not attend the delivery ceremony receive their award by mail to the address indicated in their user registration. In the awards that do not celebrate a ceremony, the winners also receive it by mail.

Can the winners or selectees request duplicates of their trophy and/or certified diploma?

Yes, the authors of the winning works of a Prize or a Selection can acquire copies of their diplomas and/or awards. Request your copy by accessing Verdictas Internacional with your account.

When does the next call open?

Each award has its own calendar. Check the dates in the bases of the prizes in which you want to register your works. You can also fill out the contact form to receive our notices and newsletters: Contact form

Do not stay outside. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive notices about new editions of awards and news.